Thursday, November 29, 2012

Darjah Kebesaran Kesatria Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Perkasa (DPKK)

Sinar Harian, 11th Nov 2012

"Seramai enam penerima dianugerahkan Ahli Yang Kedua (Datuk Paduka) Bagi Darjah Kebesaran Kesatria Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Perkasa (DPKK) membawa gelaran Datuk.

Mereka ialah Panglima 10 Briged PARA, Brig. Jen Tengku Ahmad Noor Tuan Chik, Komander Pangkalan Udara Subang, Brig. Jen. Wan Normazlan Che Jaafar, Pengarah Artileri Markas Tentera Darat Brig. Datuk Mohd Rais Ali,  Pengarah Direktorat Latihan Kementerian Pertahanan Brig Jen Norhuda Ahmad, Panglima Markas Grup Artileri Pertahanan Udara, Brig. Jen Yusri Anwar dan Panglima Medan Tentera Darat, Lt.Jen. Datuk Zulkiple Kassim."


The making of.........

'Mula mula bertatih
Kemudian meniarap, merangkak dan berjalan
Lama lama berlari'

Semoga berjaya ,dipermudahkan dan diberkati oleh Allah, aameen.

Meeting held on the 28th Nov 2012, venue unknown 

Yang berkaitan : Tatacara penubuhan koperasi

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Terima Menantu.........

Extracted from "Feel Good - Ssc Intake 34 Group"

"Kamarudin Skottigaempat

Utk semua Skot, HARAPAN Dari PW1 B Macklin jurulatih kita semasa Kedet, ke Majlis Walimatul Urus anaknya pd 15/12/12 bertempat di Dewan Komanwel Majlis Sukan Negara, Bukit Jalil KL. acara bermula dari jam 12. HARAPAN isterinya agar dijemput semua bekas kedet2 ke acara Kali ini. Saya yg berusaha memanjangkan Jemputan.". Photos courtesy of En Macklin Amzah and Pn Grace Rohaya Macklin with thanks.

PPN in 2002 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

ART, The story teller - Part XII


Ever since I started writing about INTAKE 34 and all of us, what we have gone through for 35 years or so, we still have our indiferences and peculiarities, the recent comments about our skottee not being able to recognized, not able to recollect, not able to identify and not able to even agree to trivial matters.

It shows us all that we are all humans indeed, each and everyone of us was brought up in a different a different way, before we became cadets and later on we became ‘Pegadawai’! We have our own built-in values, our own likes and dislikes and indiocyncracies as well.

So, this shows we are never ever going to be the same and agree to everything, in disagreeing we find a common ground and in indifference we should work hard to find peace with others & within ourselves.

To date, maybe I am the fortunate 1 that all skotee treat me nice and equal, no matter where I am or was before! All the Generals that have made it, still treat me the same, that small fella! I have grown old, white bearded and skinny some says, but it is still me, ART apek! Never can grow taller, but safe to say still okey can pass PT Test anytime!

It saddens me to hear the comments from fellow brothers that there are a few who got the cold shoulder, maybe it was unintentional, let’s give them the benefit of the DOUBT!

One thing is for sure, we will become civilians one fine day, no matter who we are, it is who are we to become that is more important, in the final analysis, we have not much time left, not going to reverse our aging, or stop the rot, let alone make enemies at this stage of our life.

I have been also vocal about those who did not make it to the reunions pass and recent, lets pray that they all come for the next one. Some are so near yet still so far! Sometimes it is the timings and some last minute matters arising. We forgive them all.
We yearn to see each other because we have this bonding in us, we just want to see faces and just to embrace other and hug each other, not about the food or goodie bags, or golf trophies! 

The small gatherings during weddings are so fantastic, everyone present will be staring in awed as to our closeness & spirit of comradeship when we are together, we will be the loudest no matter how many are present!

My Beloved ALI d’ KUN, partner-in-crime, dari bangku sekolah, satu kampong, satu intake, satu battalion dan pencen satu syarikat….. Cuma lain mak & bapak, dia Pathan aku TONGSAN MARI! Dia gelap aku cerah, dia gemuk aku kerus, dia tinggi and aku comel!

So, we are so different but we both share a love-hate relationship, the thick and thin we went through in 2 Rangers, with Nor Azman Yahya as YOYO! BAGAI NAK RAK KATA ORANG! Kalau lah Mess itu boleh cakap! We were the three stooges….satu Malaya…MIC….MELAYU, INDIA (PATHAN) & CINA@!

I and Sec-Gen got a mission to fulfil, that is to see Maj Gen Shahrani TS Sany, we will talk to him, cannot blame him, he was with us for a short stint only, after that he left for Portsea. He did not know what happened after he left, thus the bonding lapses, like me, him and Cadet CO satu platoon and same barracks, we were together almost every night sitting by the longkang at Tuah Coy smoking and talking! So we shared more things together!

As for the other, some did not serve at the same units, HQ’s or Formations, like me and BOY….we were in PULADA & IPDA… the separation made us grow apart, so now we make that barrier disappear for good. Most of us are already retired or left earlier, just only a handful still soldiering on! I was with Salleh Armor in Corp HQ, Rahman Mat Lodin also there. The rest tidak ada peluang….Masod in PuLaDa and UNPKTC….
Two reunion ago I could not recognized some faces, even Capt. Kamsani was mistaken as my own skoteee.....see how we can be msitaken!

BOY…hampa tahu ke si siapa dia ini?

The Cadet CO is buying me a new PIPE POUCH for my next birthday, for you all to know….he has appointed me as the Intake 34 honorary MC for LIFE without pencen! Sec-Gen pun sama, kerja sampai habis habisan…jangan ada tangisan! Dia risau nanti dia jadi Jeneral, dia pun akan ak’syen, saya janji akan kerat telor-dia. Tak caya try test cuba & buat tengok!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

El Komandante, bz as a bee..

Extracted from RMAF website with thanks. Delegation from IAF Engineering and Logistics, 5th Nov 2012.      

Friday, November 2, 2012

Characteristics of service writing...Accuracy, Brevity, Clarity, Relevance and Logic

Surprisingly I found a document entitled 'Template for a Brief Letter. Doc' , which I think is an example of a 'Military Brief'. Interestingly it had our skot , 'Jen (Rtd) Tan Sri Shahrani Mohd Sany' as the focus of a 'Personal brief'. Our skot was recently promoted to Major General last October 2012.

Shahrani - Template for a Brief Letter   

Thursday, November 1, 2012

It happened to a skot ...

Simply awesome! I'm impressed with the quick reaction and calmness displayed by both instructor n student , especially the instructor's quick thinking in pulling the student down to him, as though as nothing out ordinary happen n just routine.