The comment below extracted from "The Story of A Soldier's wife - My first lesson in History"
September 5, 2012 at 9:58 pm
So much for the story about a flyers wife. Let me tell you a story about an infantry soldiers wife serving in Ipoh, Perak in the seventies……Nuri heli are usually seen by soldiers wife during ‘resup’ (sending of rations to soldiers deployed in the jungle) when they fly out of the playing of the Ranger Battalion or the Royal Malay Battalion in Tambun. Family of soldiers usually know that every about 10 to 14 days there will be a ‘resup’. However when nuris were seen to fly into the field other than these regular timings soldiers wife at the camp would normally feel uneasy because they knew that nuri flying at these odd days are either carrying dead bodies of soldiers or terrorists or our own casualties.
The situation among the family become very tense when the families at the quarters spotted the Commanding Officer’s wife accompanied by the unit adjutant and Guru Agama and Ustazah of the Battalion getting out of the car in the vicinity of the quarters. The soldiers wives knew by then that the “rombongan” was there to inform the wife of a dead soldier about the demise of her husband. Usually as soon as the CO’s wife gave salam to the deceased wife, the deceased wife would already broke down and cry and some even collapse. I just cannot forget this scenario until today. When I “bought” myself out of the army in 1992, my wife asked me a question, ” during those agonizing days of worrying about you when you were out doing jungle operations and living those tense moment especially when the helicopters were flying in and out of the camp, you never wanted to leave the army but now in peaceful days you paid money to be able to leave the army!!!! why??” My answer was very simple, “my dear wife, during those years of doing jungle operations, I had peace of mind but during these peaceful days I didn’t have a peaceful mind” "
Wise words tuan Zainal... Our skot Ahmad has this to say :
Wise words tuan Zainal... Our skot Ahmad has this to say :