Today this photo came into my newsfeed (photo courtesy of RMAF FB) :
A photo of Maj Gen Johnny Loh Kok Kong RMAF making his courtesy visit to Deputy Commander, RMAF prior to his ROD. Bringing back memories. A day after commissioning, early morning at the cadet wings cafe, out of the blue i was confronted by two regular cadet officers trying to outdo one another in order to salute me. They were Regular Cadet Officer Johnny Loh n Regulator Cadet Officer Ramli Surip. The latter got the better of it n i returned the salute and simply smiled. That was about it n felt 'strange' and more 'stranger' with the look registered on Ramli's face. I came to know later, 'tradition' has it that it is customary to return the salute and offer a 'free lunch' on the first salute. Sorry Ramli hahaha. May Allah azzawajal grant both of you in good health, to Mej Ramli Surip (R) the best of Iman and to Mej Jen Johnny Loh RMAF Taufiq wal Hidayah aameen. Mej Ramli's photo credited to his facebook account with thanks.