Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Maj (R) Samsudin Hussin, KAD

'Samsudin Jonah', fomerly from the Navy (if my memory serves me correctly) . The man has an amazing and uncanny sense of recognition. Right about 13/15 years ago, yours truly  was happily  riding back from work heading towards Shah Alam/Klang, minding my own 'business' on my  trsuted 50 cc 'kapcai' with my uniform when suddenly  I was overtaken by this 'sophisticated' dude with his fancy  inner suit and tailored pants , riding a 'Virago'  with his face fully covered by his  helmet, started to wave his hand forcing me to stop which I hesitantly obliged. He got down,  walked slowly towards me, visibly his eyes were cheekily smiling. I felt quite miffed at the time by this display of sheer arrogance and 'gungho' attitude. (Bedetik gak di hati  ' Sape pulak mamat nih, BERANI die tahan Pegawai  Tentera Duli Yang Maha Mulia berpangkat Major nih, nak KENE ke', tapi biler tgk kite 'kapcai' die 'Virago' tekedu la kite kejap ... akakakakakakak) 'Ko kenal aku tak?' pause... 'Ko tak kenal aku ye?', his voice thundering, that's why he was the Cadet Company Sargeant  Major. 'Dah pakai helmet tutup muka camna nak kenal bangggg?' . And as he slowly 'unravelled' himself .... 'Laaaaaaaaaaaaaa  hang ka....'. We spent about a few minutes chatting aboujt old times before going off separate ways.Camner tengok dari belakang boleh kenai skot, uiiiii  .... Photo taken from his facebook account with thanks. Many thanks to Nasir Combat for suggesting him to me. :D

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