Thursday, June 23, 2011

Maj (R) Mohd Khalil Mustaffa, RRD

Photo courtesy of Skot Aziz Din's Reunion 2011 album with thanks.

Update : 23rd Sept 2014

Bro Khalil has a fb account , info courtesy of Skot Nasir Combat, tx.

Lt Colonel Roslin Mohd Yussof, RSD

Photo courtesy of Skot Aziz Din's Reunion 2011 Album with thanks.

33 years has passed....

Today 33 years ago was Commssioning day, SSC Intake 34, 23rd June 1979 ;o)

Lt Colonel Ismail Ariffin, RAMD

Currently stationed at SSO Penang. Photo courtesy of Skot Ismail Manuri with thanks

The three amigos, Maj (R) Ismail Feiso, Lt Col Ismail Ariffin n Col Ismail Manuri which incidently all are from the same company, 'Alam Shah'
I felt like singing 'La cucaracha' ;o)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

33rd Reunion, Well done guys. :o)

Update 23rd June 2011 - Photos below courtesy of Skot Maj (R) Aziz Din, many thanks.

Abdul Rahman Coy
Seated L-R Skots khamir, Samsudin, Wan Bahrudin, Aziz Din Instr Lt Col (R) Basri, AR Teoh, Tajri, Akhtar, Osman
Standing L-R Skots Fadhil, Halim, Nawawi, Ghozali, Mohd Zain, Shokri, Nashrol, Mustapha

Alam Shah Coy
Seated L-R Skots Ishak, Nasir, Ismail (Manuri), Razak, Zulkifri, Suhaimi, Ismail (Feisol), Ismnail (Ariffin), Ali, Omar 

 Syed Putra Coy
Standing L-R Skots Khalil, Nik Khmasani, Aminuddin, Zambri, Haniff, Ahman, Hassim, Abdullah (Sanjay), Roslin, Fadhil, Abdullah (Ishak), Mohammad
Seated L-R Skots Rohim, Zainal, Anuar, Husamudin, Instr Maj (R) Mahmud Kamsani, Lt Gen (R) Dato Khairudin, Brig Gen (R) Abdul Jalil, Kamaruddin (SecGen34), Md Zin, Rainizuddin

Standing L-R Skots Ismail Manuri, Rainizuddin, Zulkifri , Akhtar, Abdullah
Standing Centre Skot Mik Khamsani
Seated L-R Skots  ?, Musa, ?

 L-R skots ?,Husam, Musa, Aziz Din

 L-R Skots Fauzan, Aziz, Ahman

 L-R Skots Khalil, Halim, Anuar, Abdullah, Zambri, Haniff

 L-R Skots Khamir Abd Ghani, Hamid Saseman, Ahman Samyon

L-R Skots Roslin Mohd Yussoff, Leong Van Hing, Yusoff Mohd Raba'ie, Hassim Mat

 L-R skots Samsudin , Haniff

 L-R Skots Suhaimi, Musa, Instr Maj (R) Mahmud Khamsani , Brig Gen (R) Abd Jalil

 L-R Skots Yusoff Raba'ie, Mohd Zain, Ghozali, Anuar

 L-R Skots Zainal Mat, Aziz Din, Nasir Dom, ?, ?
Background right , L-R Skots Ali Khan, Leong Van Hing

End of Update 23rd June 2011

Photos below courtesy of Skot Maj (R) Mohd Haniff Rawi with thanks.:o)

Capt (R) Ghozali Hamdan, RAJD

He is currently residing in Taiping. A few weeks after commissioning , I visited him at Kuala Sepetang (Port Weld). It was easy to find his location as the house was situated right in the middle of the town, a govt quarters, as he's father was a forester. That was the last I saw of him until this photo by Skot Aziz Din (thank you). Not sure if he was Ex AFAT G8 though.

Today is SSC Intake 34, 33rd Reunion, venue at Pusat Latihan Polis Tentera

A little bit of 'concoction' I put up together with "Vegas Pro 10'. Enjoy  :D

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Demise of Skot Mustafa Harun's youngest son

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un . I received a phone call from Skot Wan Bahruddin n confirmed later by Skot Nasir Ishak and SecGen 34  yesterday on the demised of Skot Mustafa Harun's youngest(?) son due to a road accident. May Allah showers arwah with His blessings and forgiveness and may Allah grants Mustafa and his family sakinah, perseverance and patience, insya Allah, ameen.   

   'Dihiaskan (dan dijadikan indah) kepada manusia: kesukaan kepada benda-benda yang diingini nafsu, iaitu perempuan-perempuan dan anak-pinak; harta benda yang banyak bertimbun-timbun, dari emas dan perak; kuda peliharaan yang bertanda lagi terlatih; dan binatang-binatang ternak serta kebun-kebun tanaman. Semuanya itu ialah kesenangan hidup di dunia. Dan (ingatlah), pada sisi Allah ada tempat kembali yang sebaik-baiknya (iaitu Syurga). Ali 'Imran, 14'
       'Tiap-tiap yang bernyawa akan merasai mati, dan bahawasanya pada hari kiamat sahajalah akan disempurnakan balasan kamu. Ketika itu sesiapa yang dijauhkan dari neraka dan dimasukkan ke syurga maka sesungguhnya ia telah berjaya. Dan (ingatlah bahawa) kehidupan di dunia ini (meliputi segala kemewahannya dan pangkat kebesarannya) tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan bagi orang-orang yang terpedaya. Ali 'Imran, 185.'

         'Dia lah yang telah mentakdirkan adanya mati dan hidup (kamu) - untuk menguji dan menzahirkan keadaan kamu: siapakah di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya; dan Ia Maha Kuasa (membalas amal kamu), lagi Maha Pengampun, (bagi orang-orang yang bertaubat);  Al Mulk, 2.'

Hadeeth on the death of Ibrahim son to Muhammad , Sallallahu 'alaihi wassalam

'Ini berdasarkan kepada hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Abdur Rahman bin Auf, ketika kematian Ibrahim, iaitu salah seorang anak-anak Rasulullah SAW. Berkata Abdur Rahman bin Auf;

أخذ النبي (ص) بيدي فانطلقت معه الى ابنه ابراهيم وهو يجود بنفسه قال فأخذه النبي (ص) ووضعه في حجره حتى خرجت نفسه قال فوضعه ثم بكى فقلت تبكي يا رسول الله وأنت تنهى عن البكاء فقال إني لم أنه عن البكاء ولكن نهيت عن صوتين أحمقين فاجرين صوت عند نعمة لهو ولعب ومزامير شيطان وصوت عند مصيبة لطم وجوه وشق جيوب وهذه رحمة ومن لا يرحم لا يرحم

“telah memegang oleh Nabi akan tanganku, lalu aku pergi bersama Baginda kepada anaknya, Ibrahim yang sedang nazak. Lalu mengambil oleh Nabi SAW akan Ibrahim dan meletakkannya pada pangkuan Baginda hingga menitis air mata baginda SAW. Lalu aku (Abdur Rahman) berkata, Wahai Rasulullah SAW, kamu menegah dari menangis. Menjawab Baginda SAW, aku tidak menegah kamu dari menangis, tetapi aku melarang dua suara yang hodoh, iaitu suara nikmat kelalaian dan seruling Syaitan dan suara ketika ditimpa musibah, memukul muka dan mengkoyak baju. Adapun ini (menitis air mata tanpa suara ketika kematian) adalah tanda kasih sayang dan barangsiapa yang tidak belas kasih, nescaya dia tidak dibelas kasih'

Wallahu 'aklam
Skots attending the burial dated 18th June 2011. Many tx to Skot Haniff Rawi

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Maj Haridan Aziz, RAD

 Finally our good friend emerged at Lt Col Nordin Yusoff offspring's wedding reception. :D Understand he is currently stationed in Melaka after taking over appointment from another skot, Lt Col Zahri Harun since 2008(?). Many tx to SecGen34 for the photo.

Update - Promoted to Lt Col dated 15th March 2013.
               His facebook account

Walimah anak Lt Col (B) Ismail Ariffin, 11th June 2011, Ipoh

Photos courtesy of Skot Aziz Din with thanks. :D

Mini Reunion of Skot 34/AFAT G8
Standing Leftmost Skot Abdul Halim Othman
Seated Leftmost Skot Md Zain Mokhtar, with Skot Ramli Md Ali with his dark shirt n songkok

Uwaaaa Mail, hang angkat nikah sekali lagi ka?

His son & the bride

Walimah anak Lt Col Nordin Yusoff, Kem Sg Besi, 11th June 2011

Received with thanks from SecGen34 s follow:

" to me 

Majlis berlangsung di Dewan Kem Sg Besi. Beliau ucapkan terima kaseh kepada Skot2 yg dapat hadir.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile."

Standing L-R, Skots Hamid Saseman, Kamarudin Mustapha, Shokri Hj Salleh
Seated L-R, Skots Zamani Othman, Nordin Yusoff, Wa Pu Ce Tau, Haridan Aziz :o)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

33rd Reunion SSC Intake 34, Change of Venue

Message from SecGen34 - Change of Venue to Pusat Latihan Polis Tentera, others remain as before:

" to SSC

As'kum Skot, telah dibincangkn semlm kita akan adakan ReUnion 3433 pd 19 jun. Acaranya: Golf bertempat di Bangi Gc, Daftar at 1200, Tee-off jam 1215 n jangka tamat jam 1700. Dinner bertempat di Wisma Perwira Pusat Latihan Polis Tentera (PULAPOT) bermula jam 2000 hingga Tamat. Pse ack kpd semua Skot TQ fm SecGen 34
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile."

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Photos courtesy of Lt Col Hj Ishak bin Hj Hamid (3000814)

Update 9th June 2011 - More photos from Skot Ishak Hamid :

While stationed in Iraq

'When in Rome, do as the Romans do'? 

End of Update

I had a nice surprise a few minutes ago when I logged in into my gmail and received the following from our skot Ishak Hamid :

'Ishak Hamid to me show details 9:50 PM (1 hour ago)

Salam skod, attached herewith some of my pics 4 ur further action. Pse ack. Tq.

Fm  :  Lt Col Hj Ishak bin Hj Hamid (3000814).'

His recent photo year 2009 (?)

23rd June 1979

Haj in 1997(?)

Nova Scotia..

Many Tx :o)

6th June 2011, Shangri-La, Putrajaya

A lot of catching up to do :o) Photo courtesy of Skot Megat Mustapha's FB photo album with thanks

The 'Mauritania Gang' & meet up with the lone 'Riyadh brudder' June 2011 :o)

L-R, Skots Abd Halim, Mustafa, Wan Baharudin n Nik Khamsani

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The lighter side of .....

I found this entry in one of our skot's FB entry. hehehe :

'Our son got CGPA 4 Flat in his exam,' said my proud wife.
'I think a reward is due.'
'Certainly,' I said.
'What should it be?'
' I'd like a diamond,' she said.
Tekena dahhhh

Lt Colonel (R) Zakaria @ Zahari Hassan , RAD

Finally found a photo copy of  Lt Col (R) Zakaria @ Zahari Hassan. I had earlier sms him and accordingly he is retired and living in Kota Bharu Kelantan. Photos courtesy of Col Mohd Rawa Hj Seman's FB album with thanks. 

Handing/Taking Over of CO 1 RAD Para , I believe is in circa 2000..(wild guess).

Update ~ 7th Jul 2013. Found his current photo (dated 2012). Incidently , he is from SSC Intake 20 , together with Brig Gen (R) Abd Jalil Hasbullah, Col (R) Basri Omar, and Maj (R) Norizan Othman.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

Gotcha! :D

Finally found the latest photo on the newly promoted Skot Suhaimi..

Photo from taken RAMD's website with thanks.