Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sebatang Karah, the Instructors..

       Kapt Johar Che Omar is leftmost, next to him is Capt Raja (I think) in front of him is Capt Mohd Shah, Capt Vincent in 'celoreng' (wonder what ever happened to his 'wooden staff'? kah kah kah) with Kapt Zainal Arif Abdul Aziz standing next. Capt Yaakob in the black & white stripes, Capt Sa'ad in the yellow suit and but of course , the ever lovable Capt 'Rozzelee', wearing the distinctive white top hat.
      D most unforgettable incident that is still fresh in my mind was when the whole battalion went absent during the 1800 hours roll call/'show parade' in FMSO  with logs just because 'u know who' was the Duty Officer' for the day akakakakakakakakak Anyway it was towards the end of the Pre-OCTU phase in Sebatang Karah prior  to movement to  RMC in Sg Besi.

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